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Should Romantic Couples Hide Their Passwords From Each Other, And Why?

Image credit: Imagine Art 

Please, we are conducting an important social research to help romantic couples understand one another more deeply while leaving the world more digitally secure. So, we humbly invite every adult in sight on the web to contribute an answer to this question.

The more opinions we can gather on the question, the better our research would fare. So, kindly contribute and share.

INSTRUCTION: Read the following short passage attentively and respond to it thoughtfully...

As a part of this project, we spoke with an upcoming sculptor named Lawrence Asimonye. The question is: “Should couples hide their passwords from each other and why?”

These are two questions in one. First, should couples hide their passwords from each other? Second, whatever your answer is, what's the reason for that answer?

We need to discuss this massively. But, to achieve unity in the discussion, we need to have a few centres where the contributory opinions are gathered, compared and contrasted towards the end goal.

Thus, the 4 centres for this discussion are: 

  1. This page

  2.  This Quora page

  3. This LinkedIn page

  4. This X page

This is to say that all contributing comments are to be made only on these designated pages👆. Non-contributing comments can be made anywhere else that these pages may be shared.

All you need to contribute an answer on this page are:

  1. An opinion on the question 

  2. A Gmail account 

To contribute on the other pages, you need:

  1. An opinion on the question 

  2. An account on each platform

Couples shouldn't hide their passwords from each other,” said the artist Lawrence Asimonye as soon as the question broke the air. He seemed totally sure he was right.

Why?,” we asked.

Because trust is necessary in any relationship,” he quickly explained. “Without trust, any relationship is useless”

But, come on, can we get more real here?,” we pressed further. “We all know that many people today deeply regret ever trusting a romantic partner to certain extent due to certain resultant sore experiences. You know, you've not always known this person you happen to be in love with just because your biological and emotional nature demands it”.

So, shouldn't our rational nature also demand that we be careful with some things as serious as passwords even while in romantic connection,?” we continued with genuine concern in our voices and eyes.

In that case,” Lawrence stuttered, and went silent for a moment obviously to think it through. “Well… in that case… couples should share passwords but they need to be careful while doing so”.

What sort of carefulness exactly?,” we almost asked. But realizing that waiting for an answer would end up wasting precious time, we came with another very important aspect of the question.

Now, there's even a more serious aspect of this issue. You know, quite often, one romantic partner is found to be less tactful and careful than the other. So, have you thought about a culture where couples share passwords with each other? Don't you think that the less careful partners would raise the digital security vulnerabilities of the more careful partners in such a culture, thereby making everyone ever more vulnerable?,” I said breathlessly as if all I said was a single sentence.

Lawrence went thoughtful for a moment. He looked at my face and seemed unsure of what to say. Even now, I can still see his embarrassed air as his mind probed through.

In cyber security,” I kept talking, “any breach on your side makes me more vulnerable depending on the physical and digital resources I share with you as well as my overall proximity with you”.

At this point, the artist seemed lost as I believe most people would. Therefore, based on this story, we are asking anyone else, what is YOUR personal answer to the two important contiguous questions that form the title of this article?

Here's are more points to consider…

This is the main point we are trying to determine: Which should we give priority here? Is it the need for the expression of mutual trust between romantic couples or, is it the need for our individual and communal digital security?

To further help you to make a more informed contribution, consider that many cybersecurity authorities agree with Dataprise that human vulnerability or human error "remains one of the weakest links in cyber security for organizations and is a fact well-known to cybercriminals". As a popular saying goes, "no chain is stronger than its weakest link".


HIGHLY RECOMMENDED FOR MARRIED COUPLES: A Great Set Of Secrets To Make Your Home More Peaceful Using Your Matrimonial Beds***


Here are a few related cybersecurity terms that you might need to know for an informed contribution:

1. Domino Effect: When a breach in one system or organization compromises others, creating a chain reaction.

2. Ripple Effect: Similar to the domino effect, ripple effect is where a single breach has far-reaching consequences.

3. Cascading Failure: When a failure in one point or component triggers subsequent failures.

4. Interconnected Risk: Highlights the vulnerabilities that arise from connections between users, systems, networks, or organizations.

5. Systemic Risk: This is about the potential for widespread harm due to the interconnectedness of computerized systems and their users.

6. Supply Chain Risk: Refers to vulnerabilities introduced through third-party dependencies (like a romantic partner).

7. Lateral Movement: Attackers exploiting connections to spread a breach within a network.

With all these pieces of information in mind, should we insist on sharing passwords freely between romantic couples, or what needs to change regarding this currently prevalent culture?

As you respond, I hope to personally engage with your thinking as expressed. Thank you.


Desmond Chinedu Nweke


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