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TDAR Marketing Strategy: The Fastest Way To Make Your Business Or Website Popular In 2024

"TDAR" stands for "top domain authority review". It is a content marketing strategy invented by web content developer Desmond Nweke and popularized by our magazine Awake Digest.

As pronounced by the title of this article, TDAR is by our rating the current fastest option for making any business, website (including social media platform) popular to any niche audience on the World Wide Web.


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A Summary Of TDAR Marketing Strategy

TDAR marketing strategy combines some of the most effective marketing options available. The aim is to help the public find the best products and services in each niche. The result is a synergy that works to attract - rather than seek - a significant portion of any niche audience.

Some of the marketing options that combine to achieve the promised results are:

1. Third Party Endorsement (TPE, especially user-generated reviews)

In an April 2024 article, Bplans referred to TPE as "one of the most powerful forces in the universe for anyone marketing a product". Also, back in 2015, leadership coach Terry Bean recommended TPE highly, explaining why it works so effectively. "Having someone else say it's good, makes it easier for our psyche to make it true. This justification is part of the human condition and smart marketers know this", he wrote, underscoring the enduring value of TPE. Now, that's a tip of the iceberg of why TPE is an important part of the TDAR marketing repertoire.

2. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO, especially backlinking and Google SERP features)

September last year, while many of us were thinking that it was all over for search engine-based marketing due to the projected spike in AI revolution for 2024, Forbes councils member Jackie Nance-Sons wrote as follows...

Jackie has been justified at last by the latest most authoritative stats out there. For instance, in a report sourced from extensive sources in May, Ahrefs, inter alia, claimed as follows:

  • There are an estimated 3.5 billion searches on Google every day.
  • 63.41% of all US web traffic come via Google
  • Google Search, Google Maps, and Google Images combine to yield a whooping 92.96% of the entire global web traffic.

Other Important Aspects Of The TDAR Strategy Are...

  • Social media marketing, especially the concept of content shareability
  • Marketing funneling

TDAR Marketing Strategy Further Simplified

The first step is to identify the audience of your business or website. The second step is to find out the topics that resonate with that audience through keyword research.

Once we find the topics that your audience is interested in, we create content on that topic. Then, we seek ways to help your audience discover your content by putting out detailed honest reviews on high domain authority sites, especially where user input is allowed. 

We favor DA values of 90 and above. Then, often, our choice of where to make your reviews show up depends on your business niche. For instance, you wouldn't expect your review to show up on TripAdvisor if you are using TDAR marketing strategy as a school proprietor.

As soon as your target audience is getting the content they are looking for, and that content is linked to your website or a brick-and-mortar business, and they see your previous customers and clients saying great things about you, voila! your brand has become popular with that audience. 

How Does TDAR Marketing Strategy Help A Sizable Audience To Find Your Website Or Business?

To answer this question well, it makes sense to first establish that Google search remains the topmost source of web traffic for businesses and websites across the world as already established above.

Now, even Meta AI acknowledges this...

As you can see, Google Search still refers a whooping 63.41% of all the US web traffic in 2024. While Meta AI couldn't find the number for the entire world, this should give us an idea of what's going on at the global scale.

Now, TDAR marketing strategy is all about creating positive reviews of your website on top domain authority websites, and getting the review to appear at the top of the Google search results when searchers use a popular keyword.

How Do You Decide If A Keyword Is Popular Enough In TDAR Marketing Strategy?

On the side of the creator of TDAR marketing strategy, there are many options for keyword research that exceed the scope of this introductory article. However, on the side of the website or business owners, the easiest way to tell if a keyword is popular is to take a look at the Google SERP features like 'people also search for' or 'related searches' sections....

Google Suggest is yet another option...

NOTE: You must not check out every suggestion. Rather, you should use your brain to know which of them is related to your audience.

Just like other modern ad systems, TDAR marketing strategy promises higher rewards with higher investments. This is to say that it is compliant with your business's marketing budget.

Why Google Is So Special Is Also Why TDAR Marketing Strategy Is: Both Attract An Audience That Is Already Interested In Your Kind Of Product Or Service

All marketing strategies basically fall under two categories:

  1. Strategies that go out to SEEK those who MIGHT be interested in a product or service.
  2. Strategies that take measures to ATTRACT those who are ALREADY interested in a product or service.

Notice the presence of INTEREST in both strategies. It establishes the fact that audience interest is the major key to marketing any product or service.

Now notice that, in strategy 1, you are beating about the bush looking for people who MIGHT like what you sell. This is essentially the method of product canvassers (a. k. a. hawkers) and social media.

In strategy 2, however, people who are ALREADY interested in the product, who are ALREADY searching for it, are made to find it. It is essentially the method of street shop owners, search engines, and of course TDAR marketing strategy since it only helps to make a business review appear at the top of the Google search results for a popular keyword.

Now, you don't need to be told that strategy 2 is far more effective and far less labor-intensive than strategy 1. This is because the audience in strategy 2 is already looking for the kind of product or service a business offers unlike strategy 1. So, you don't need any more effort to convince those under strategy 2 to buy the product or service.

But, Why Are We Inviting You Here?

The creator of this marketing strategy wants to demonstrate it to the global business community. Therefore, if you own a business, or you are planning a business, this may be the biggest opportunity you will ever have. So, you're invited to join us as this one-on-one public demonstration takes place.

Watch This Space For Further Updates

Further updates on the demonstration of TDAR Marketing Strategy by no less a person than its creator will be shared on this space. So, if you are interested in it, just watch this space for now. 

There will soon be a platform to join to get alerted when an update is made. For now however, you can just bookmark this page and keep checking back. At least, that shows you're really interested.


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