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A Young Man Narrates How He Lost A Leg Going To See His New Baby - What Lessons Can We Learn From His Experience?

A young Nigerian has narrated how he lost a leg to an auto crash on his way to see his new baby at the hospital. 

Image credit: Facebook 

This story was shared some 5 days ago on Facebook by a page identified as Dj C Money Worldwide.
"I was at work that very faithful day when I got the news that my wife had just given birth," the young man is said to have narrated. "This was my first child, so you can imagine how excited I was. Everyone at work was happy for me and we all celebrated. I immidiately took permission from my boss to go see my son and the mom at the hospital. He told me it was okay and even gave me some cash to buy something for my wife and the baby".

Narrating further, the young man is quoted as saying, "I stood at the roadside waiting for a taxi. It took me about 12 minutes to get one. 5 people were inside the taxi including the driver. 

"I had already called my wife and informed her that I was on my way. I noticed that the driver was on a high speed. I asked him severally to slow down but he kept ignoring the warning. It was the third time that he finally responded angrily, saying that he has been driving for more than 13yrs and that I shouldn't teach him his job

"I seemed to be the only one complaining, as I noticed the other passengers were all quiet about it. So, I decided to let go and stay mute as well

"It was after about 10 mins of driving when, it all happened. The driver was trying to overtake a heavy truck. After that, I only saw myself at the hospital after about 12hrs and I was told that I was the only person in the vehicle that survived the accident and that's how I got to this stage of having just one leg".


Why Are We Reporting This Old Story?

You might be wondering why we chose to report on an event that probably took place some 3 years ago and shared on social media some 5 days ago. This is why...

In line with our principle as a news-and-views magazine, we are reporting this incident with a view to seeking solutions to incessant avoidable car crashes and other problems in Nigeria. We got interested in this story because it contains many of the unwarranted reasons behind traffic accidents in Nigeria.

So, it's an opportunity for the public to learn lessons that can prevent numerous similar incidents. Many times, the victims don't live to tell the story. So, we never get to know what actually happened.

In this case however, as bad as it is, we have a survivor who tells the story for us to learn our lessons from. Therefore, what can we learn from this?

1. The Arrogance And Overconfidence Of Nigerian Drivers Puts The Lives Of The Road Users At Risk Unnecessarily

Just like many Nigerian medics and politicians, Nigerian drivers are known to easily get angry at you for cautioning them to not endanger your life. Hear the mindset that got that driver to waste many lives in less than an hour: "It was the third time that he finally responded angrily, saying that he has been driving for more than 13yrs & that I shouldn't teach him his job".

Solution: Whether it's a politician, a medic, a driver or anyone that puts your life at risk, LET EVERYONE INVOLVED SPEAK UP. Don't allow yourself to be silenced by anyone foolishly claiming to be omniscient due to over-bloated ego. After all, it's your life.

Seen with a political lens, Nigeria is like this vehicle and Nigerian leaders are the drivers. Thus, the arrogant carelessness of the leaders can and has wasted so many lives and destinies. This brings us to the next point...

2. The Common Laissez-faire Attitudes Of Nigerians Are Causing Far More Problems Than Anyone Can Imagine

"Nigerians are really good at complaining about problems but very poor at preventing them," as Desmond Nweke would say. This attitude should change. You can see what the young man in the story said: "I seemed to be the only one complaining, as I noticed the other passengers were all quiet about it. So, I decided to let go and stay mute as well". Maybe, this is why God spared only his life among the passengers since he was the only one who showed that he still appreciated the gift of life.

This kind of scenario plays out everywhere and every time in Nigeria. The worst things would be happening and no one seems to care. For instance, who can imagine that, for 8 years, a single Nigerian tribe went across the country, killing, maiming, raping, kidnapping Nigerians, and sacking them from their homes and livelihoods, and under the watch of a President of that same tribe's extraction, and THERE HAS BEEN NO SINGLE PUBLIC PROTEST AGAINST IT IN ALMOST A DECADE!

Say, why wouldn't everything go wrong in such a country? It may seem that Nigerians are afraid for their dear lives. But, "are we alive in Nigeria now?" as Aisha Yesufu once retorted when a journalist asked her how come she speaks up without fearing for her life.

3. Mistaken Religious Beliefs Are Destroying Nigerians And Nigeria 

Believe it or not, many Nigerian readers would get pissed off at this point in this article. They would scoff at this magazine for daring to criticize their religions.

Well, this is not a criticism against anyone's religion per se. It's rather a criticism against massive poor attitudes to religion.

For instance, our findings indicate that a major reason behind the unusual laissez-faire attitudes of Nigerians as referenced above is a certain belief in divine predestination. As the young man in our story is quoted to have said at the end...

"Well, i thank God for life, though ,i cry at times especially when i come across my old pictures. I remember, how i used to walk on both legs, but it's ok now😥🤦😭 i believe God has a reason for every circumstance in our lives. He saved me for a reason & I'm thankful".

While we honestly commiserate with this storyteller wherever he is, and while we commend his positive attitudes, we want to point out that it is NOT TRUE that "God has a reason for every circumstance in our lives". Instead, many circumstances in our lives have absolutely nothing to do with a divine reason and everything to do with us - such as our carelessness.

So, let's learn to play our parts as God plays His. For example, God has absolutely no hand in one tribe going around to kill members of other tribes. Again, God can never come down to protest on behalf of Nigerians. Why? It's because as Desmond Nweke would also say, "God will not do for you what He has given you the power to do. That would amount to a waste of Heavenly resources".


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