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Is There Anything Disturbing You That You Don't Know How To Tell Someone Else? See What To Do…

Our findings show that the harsh economy is generating a lot of heat in many personal lives, relationships, and families. This is causing so many problems.

There are indications that many of those having these issues don't really know what's happening to them. And many of them don't know who to talk to...

Courtesy of Facebook

One of the reasons for establishing Awake Digest is to help such people to offload their worries and get advice from the members of the web public. It all happens ANONYMOUSLY. This is to say that nobody knows you're the one asking for the advice.

Why We're Doing This

We found that some unkind people might troll your online account if you share some worries on social media. This makes you to either keep it as an absolute secret or leave out some important details in the telling. Yet, those details are needed to understand your issue better and therefore advise you more effectively.

How To Access The Service

See what you can do if you ever need this service…

  1. Sit down and write what is disturbing you. Tell us your story, how your situation makes you feel, the area you need to be advised on, what you think is behind the problem, etc. BE ABSOLUTELY HONEST since no one knows it's you. KNOWING THE WHOLE TRUTH AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH will help us and other people to help you better. Don't worry about whether your grammar is good or not because we'd edit your story and help you to tell it clearly in simple English.

  2. Send your story to us with the subject line “MY STORY”.    NOTE: Copy and paste your text and any accompanying images needed to tell your story since we don't accept downloadable attachments.

  3. Watch out for when we'd publish your story so that you can read pieces of advice from members of the web public.

  4. After a time, we'd summarize the pieces of advice given under your published story to assist you in making sense of them.

  5. If you think that something is still missing in the way your story was presented (by you or by us) or responded to by the members of the public, you can resend your story including the URL of the previous version on this website. This will help us to know the exact story you want us to revisit. Send this revisit request with the subject line “REVISIT MY STORY’.

Don't be uptight and don't lose your mind. A situation you think is difficult might not be as difficult as you think. So, don't keep the burden with you. Instead, share it securely and anonymously, and also get abundant advice on it.

Not only that we help you to tell your story; we also help you to make sense of it. We do all we can to help you find your way through the maze.

SEE ALSO: A REPORT: Nigerian Month-old Babies Are Dying Of Hunger - See Why And How To Help Them To Live

How Much Does This Service Cost?

This service is absolutely free. It is a part of our corporate social responsibility services.

You Can Also Use This Service On Behalf Of Your Loved Ones And The Society

If you have anyone in your circle who is going through a situation you don't understand, you can also seek advice on their behalf. Alternatively, you can tell them to seek advice directly.

Also, if you have any story that exposes a problem in the society, you can equally share it so that we can discuss it publicly and seek solutions together.

NOTE: Although crowd-sourced advice can help you to solve really big problems, this service is not meant to replace professional counseling.


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