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Why We Should All Be Super Concerned About Broken Marriages And Homes

Dear reader,
First, this is to let you know that I was inspired to start a series yesterday entitled 'Understanding Why Beautiful Middle-aged Women Behave The Way They Do'. The full length of the title is shown in this screenshot...

As you can see, the series is offering an insight into the actual reason wealthy men's wives often quit their marriages in their middle age these days.There are indications that the trend doesn't only promise to continue but also to increase unless there is an effective intervention such as I am proposing.

I am using well-known billionaire marriages that crashed for illustration, experimentation, and evaluation all through. I am using these since they are already in the public domain and well publicized. But, the phrase "a billionaire's wife" is just a representation of all wives of affluent men.

Then, as hinted at in the introduction, the referenced affluent romances only expose a new ill-fated trajectory of the entire human civilization via romantic wreckages.

Meanwhile, This Is To Provide A Background To The Series

I was moved into hosting the series because I have been deeply concerned about the new wave of divorce culture of humanity and its projected unsavory implications for human civilization.

And in case you're yet to understand my point here, I mean to share my finding that a new wave of divorce culture in the Western world is bound to strike at the foundations of our civilization. Then, I will go ahead to propose practicable solutions as I feel led to do.

Without wasting words, consider this scenario featuring the Bill and Melinda Gates Divorce...

The Bill And Melinda Gates Divorce Uncannily Exposes How A Culture Of Broken Marriages/Homes Is Working Against The Foundations Of Human Civilization

Bill Gates announced his divorce from Melinda Gates on Twitter on May 3, 2021 with a tweet that said...

"After a great deal of thought and work on our relationship, we have made the decision to end our marriage. Over the last 27 years, we have raised three incredible children and built a foundation that works all over the world to enable all people to lead healthy, productive lives. We continue to share a deep commitment to our mission and will continue to work together at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. We ask for space and privacy for our family as we begin to navigate this new life."

Among other things, the billionaire said, as you can see, that they would  "continue to work together at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation" despite the divorce.

But, only 3 years after that on July 7, 2024, Melinda French Gates finally quit the globally renowned philanthropy that bore her name for about a quarter century. A few weeks before this, the billionaire wife had granted an interview to Time Magazine.

The interview coupled with a Time Magazine article celebrating it, gave a sobering glimpse into the behind-the-scenes of the beleaguered affluent romantic relationship.
"The foundation the couple co-led had been running a flu study in their hometown of Seattle, which had detected early cases of COVID-19 in the region. There were video calls with infectious-disease specialists they funded, world leaders, epidemiologists, journalists, and public health officials. Two of their three children were home from school full time. Plus, the couple was secretly separated, trading off who lived at the family house and who was elsewhere while they tried to figure out if they could stay married."

We see the philanthropy owned and named in honor of the former couple feverishly busy dealing with a pandemic while they were going through a painful divorce at the same time. Two of their three children were back home from school, meaning they weren't yet independent adults.

Thus, the tone is clear about just how the divorce would affect their teamwork both at work and at home. The problem is: Our work and our homes are values closely identified with the foundation of our civilization.

Nature is much clear about the absolute necessity of this teamwork. For instance, children raised via this sort of synergy are known to lead more stable lifestyles than those who weren't and to the extent they weren't. In other words, if this teamwork is affected in any way, the children's development is affected in very profound ways often impinging on the mental levels and therefore otherwise. Even independent adults among the children are hardly spared.

Then, consider many damaging effects the marital breakdown must have on the wonderful work of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Bill Gates himself was aware of this which made him announce that they were going to continue working together at the philanthropy despite the divorce, which as it turned out, couldn't be sustained.

Then, as Melinda Gates revealed at the Time Magazine interview, "it was a super intense time for us as a foundation.... You know, I separated first before I made the full decision about a divorce. And to be able to do that in private while I'm still trying to take care of the kids, while still making certain key decisions about how you're going to disentangle your life...".


I promised to keep every session in this discussion simple and short. So, let me wrap it up here for now. 

However, in case you missed the point, I have been trying to sound the depths of damages that broken homes could have on the things that are most important to us. Using especially the case of the Gates, I have tried to establish a certain domino effect that this goes ahead to kick off, ultimately affecting key values of human civilization.

Many prevalent social ills that plague the human family today, for example, are traceable to children who lacked the support of a healthy home setting. As a National Library Of Medicine's document put it:
This is all in an attempt to communicate why I'm doing this in the first place. It's also meant to help you the reader in going the whole hog with me. Meanwhile, as long as I've made the slightest sense to you this time, just kindly manage to hang on as I'm certain to make my points clearer as we proceed. Thank you.

You can follow the series on X from here.


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