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Showing posts from September, 2024

#NeitherTrumpNorHarris: Why Americans Should Vote Neither Trump Nor Harris, Plus A Great Third-party Option

Image credit: ABC News This is going to be an extremely short read since the points are self-explained. So, here's the point: The United States is at a very critical time in its history right now. Struggling through deep economic wounds inflicted by the pandemic which impacted the country so much largely as a result of the Trump Administration’s poor handling of it, and facing the prospects of large-scale face-offs with the likes of China, Russia, and North Korea, the country cannot afford to elect just anyone as the President this 2024. Why Donald Trump Shouldn't Be Elected I am surprised there are Americans supporting a second Trump coming when his first coming was riddled with so many woes. Trump supporters are quick to mention that the economy fared well under him. But, this is not what actually happened. My research shows that the economy fared well under Trump until the outbreak of Covid. The truth is that Trump only inherited the outcome of many economic policies of the