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#NeitherTrumpNorHarris: Why Americans Should Vote Neither Trump Nor Harris, Plus A Great Third-party Option

Image credit: ABC News

This is going to be an extremely short read since the points are self-explained. So, here's the point:

The United States is at a very critical time in its history right now. Struggling through deep economic wounds inflicted by the pandemic which impacted the country so much largely as a result of the Trump Administration’s poor handling of it, and facing the prospects of large-scale face-offs with the likes of China, Russia, and North Korea, the country cannot afford to elect just anyone as the President this 2024.

Why Donald Trump Shouldn't Be Elected

I am surprised there are Americans supporting a second Trump coming when his first coming was riddled with so many woes. Trump supporters are quick to mention that the economy fared well under him. But, this is not what actually happened.

My research shows that the economy fared well under Trump until the outbreak of Covid. The truth is that Trump only inherited the outcome of many economic policies of the Obama Administration.

To make it simple and clear that the economy didn't do well as a result of Trump's quality leadership, his administration couldn't qualitatively handle the first major upheaval that it encountered, namely, the pandemic. There are many proofs that the pandemic wouldn't have affected America the way it did if the Trump Administration was more proactive and creative in handling it.

Now, imagine America facing a major crisis situation like a war under such a careless fellow!

It's also nothing short of disappointment to see Americans who support a man to be their president who encouraged the Capitol Building insurrectionists to thwart America’s long-standing reputation as an exemplary democracy. I can't think of any other event in modern history that brought insults on the US than the shame of January 6.

Why Kamala Harris Shouldn't Be Elected

I have seen many Americans who rightly ask: “If the Biden Administration has been such a disaster and Harris has been at the top of it, how can we believe her capacity to do better as the President herself?”.

Personally, I would have liked to see a female US President. But, where the female President would lack the needed capacity to steer the country out of its current economic gloom, it's obviously not the right option.

Moreover, I had wanted to avoid this point so as to be politically correct, but no, it needs to be said: I think that Christian America might come under Divine judgment for its continued support for abortion rights as a people. Why should abortion become so acceptable to Christian America that it becomes a campaign point for a presidential candidate?

As long as you are an American professing Christianity, scriptures like Jeremiah 1:5 should make you sure that our Creator sees a human life in a fetus right from conception. Therefore, despite any modernist argument to the contrary, you shouldn't support the right of women to destroy such human lives in the name of abortion rights.

Remember that the foundation of the United States was laid on Biblical principles. Even the founding President George Washington acknowledged it when he said that "it is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible".

For me, this Biblical foundation coupled with the constant acknowledgement of God in the motto, "In God we trust" is one big secret behind America's prosperity. Therefore, for America to now throw away the Bible is certain to spell doom since it's like destroying the foundation on which the country is laid. Think seriously about it.

In case you're wondering why I'm talking about abortion rights here, it's because supporting abortion rights has been one of Kamala Harris’ major campaign points. Thus, a vote for Harris is a vote for the murder of innocent unborn babies.

With Trump And Harris Out Of The Way, Who Should Americans Vote For As Their President In 2024?

It's time for Americans to look beyond the political cage defined by the two most popular political parties in the country. Americans shouldn't feel condemned to vote in either a Democrat or a Republican.

Instead, a culture of true democracy should make Americans look at the candidates above the parties. Therefore, I recommend the Harvard/Yale professor Cornel West who is running as an independent candidate.

Professor Cornel West. Image credit: The Economist

Why do I recommend Professor West for the role of the US President at this time? Here are my reasons:

  • West is a philosopher. He is going to bring his critical thinking to leadership. As Plato is quoted as saying, “until philosophers are kings, or the kings and princes of this world have the spirit and power of philosophy, and political greatness and wisdom meet in one, and those commoner natures who pursue either to the exclusion of the other are compelled to stand aside, cities will never have rest from their evils”. I think that America needs a philosopher king at this time.

  • West’s eventful career in political activism reveals a great passion for positive change in the American socio-political system. Such a passion often goes far in actual practice.

  • This is an opportunity for America to prove to the world that it has actually put racial prejudice and injustice to the clear past by voting not just a black but a black by skin color, and one that has actively accused the American society of having been “historically weak-willed in ensuring racial justice and has continued to resist fully accepting the humanity of Blacks”.

  • In terms of percentage, the most impactful past American Presidents were neither 'Democratic' nor 'Republican'. See how: My findings show that out of the 46 presidents in the US history, 16 were Democrats, 23 were Republicans, while 7 were neither Democrat nor Republican. These 7 include George Washington (Independent just like Cornel West), Thomas Jefferson (Democratic-Republican) and Abraham Lincoln (National Union Party). Thus, Americans shouldn't consider it abnormal to venture beyond the two dominant political parties if need be.


This ended up becoming much longer than I had promised at the outset. This message is so important to me that I don't want readers to get bored into missing the points.

There are a lot more that could have been said. But, I've said this much to deliver the message as briefly as possible.

As you can see, the article represents my spontaneous thoughts on why Americans need to go out-of-the-box in confronting the extraordinary challenges they (we) face currently. There is no need to keep following a norm that leads nowhere. 

Voting an independent candidate of Professor Cornel West's standing is one important way to go about this. In any case, let me end it here. I’d like to know what YOU think about this below at the comment section. And consider sharing this if it makes some sense to you (look for a 'SHARE' link below) Thanks.


Desmond Nweke


Desmond Nweke is the Founder/CCO of Awake Digest Magazine. He is a content marketing strategist by profession.


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