For Now, I Am Here To Share A Story Behind The Cover Image Of That Message
The message is entitled 'How To Know You're Not Fit To Lead People'. As a result, when I went to the free version of Imagine AI to create a cover image for the video book, I entered the following prompt...
See How The Brainstorming Can Benefit Us And Our Future Generations
We can help the AI industry to serve us better
Therefore, humanity will advance faster
Our future generations will talk good of us
Above all, we shall be proud in our graves to have left the world better than we met it
So, What Are We Brainstorming On?
First, let us review and rate the image rendering as members of the public. Give a rating of 1 to 10 at the end of your review at the comment section👇.
Next, I am realizing why every AI tool should be absolutely free of charge to everyone and sustained by public donation or government grant only: It's because, the more people who use an AI tool, the smarter it gets.
As a close example, consider how the absolutely free-to-use Meta AI is much smarter than Imagine Art AI that is significantly placed behind a pay wall - as revealed above👆.
Therefore, making these AI tools as free as Google Search without the encumbrances of advertising, we can all train the tools together and make them get better by the day...since the brains they have are the ones we give them.Do you agree with this proposal? Have your answer ready as we prepare for the next volume of this article. Even if you can comment your answer below too👇, I'd appreciate you more. Thanks.
Mind you, I AM NOT TEACHING YOU. Instead, I AM DISCUSSING WITH YOU. Which means that your views can enrich mine, just as mine can enrich yours. Having the discussion in ONE PLACE makes it simpler to navigate.
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