If you need more customers or clients for any business (product or service), this is for you. You are therefore advised to take this message with all the seriousness you can muster:
...and watch your business grow in 30 days more than it may have done in the last 30 years.
If you don't want to read through, but you want this strategy to be applied to your business, you can contact me on LinkedIn. Otherwise, you can read on.
Meanwhile, for the sake of transparency, let me inform you as follows from the outset:
1. My consulting services are paid for.
2. I work on a first-come-first-served basis. And I pay quality attention to each case.
3. Thus, while I might be late to respond, I do all in my power to respond as soon as possible.
Ready? Here we go…
The Power Of Funneling
You've probably heard about sales funnel or marketing funnel. I prefer the term “marketing funnel” for a reason I will make known shortly.
Many business people may have heard about marketing funnel but they don't quite understand the concept. If you belong here, YOU NEED TO PAY A SPECIAL ATTENTION TO THIS. It's extremely simplified here.
To start with, let me reiterate the point of the title: Marketing funnel is the greatest secret ever for getting new customers and clients to any business.
Note that this is mainly for customer/client acquisition. As for customer/client retention, you need a good customer care - which we are going to discuss on a soon-to-come occasion. But, here's one of the best summaries of the matter by Brad Schweig...
Meanwhile, here's a good collection of customer service quotes to help you. So...What Is Marketing Funnel In Simple Language?
For you to begin to understand the phrase “marketing funnel”, do this…👇👇👇
1. Think of a normal plastic funnel that you use to get a costly liquid into a can.
Image credit: Buerkle
2. Think of how the funnel channels the liquid until the liquid gets into the can AS DESIRED.
Image credit: WalmartThat's like what good marketing funnels do: They direct prospects from step to step to TAKE A DESIRED ACTION in favor of a brand.
Image credit: Wikipedia
Such a DESIRED ACTION could be any of these:
Buy a product
Fill an online form
Download an app
Visit a web page
Follow a social media account
As you can see, BUYING a product right away is just one of the desired actions a prospect may take. It's why I prefer the term ‘marketing funnel’ to just ‘sales funnel’.
The DESIRED ACTION in each context would depend on a number of factors, such as:
A unique marketing goal
The product or brand in question
The target audience
What Is A Good Marketing Funnel?
A perfect physical funnel is one in which the liquid you are pouring ALL gets SAFELY into the can. So, the quality of a funnel can be measured by the amount of the liquid that ends up inside the can.
A poor funnel is one in which the liquid LEAKS OUT before getting into the can. Therefore, the poverty of a funnel can be measured by the amount of the liquid that LEAKS OUT before getting into the can.
The quality and poverty of a marketing funnel is VERY SIMILAR to the quality and poverty of a physical funnel. See how👇👇👇
Just the way physical funnels are used to direct liquids into cans, marketing funnels are also used to direct prospects until they take DESIRED ACTIONS. The quality of a marketing funnel can therefore be measured by the number of people it succeeds in getting to take the DESIRED ACTION in question at last.
Bad marketing funnels are ridden with leaking points through which leads fall off at various levels.
Image credit: Sloovi
A leaky marketing funnel is the reason behind any failed marketing project. And there are many of these out there.
How To Design A Good Marketing Funnel For Your Business?
A lot of things are involved in designing a good marketing funnel. But, it all boils down to an effective content strategy applied in a unique marketing context. It involves getting into the minds of the leads and guiding them subtly every step of the way.
I hope to have occasion soon to share more details on designing good marketing funnels. For now, if you need to have a marketing funnel implemented for your business, I'd work one-on-one with you or your team. So, reach out to me here on LinkedIn or, email awakedigest@gmail.com.
If I am available to work with you immediately, I will let you know. Otherwise, I will let you know when I'd be available. Thank you.
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