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Showing posts from October, 2024

Why And How To Break Your Masturbation Habit From Today

Image credit: Researchgate From my own real-life experiences, I stand very strong to say this: Anyone who says that masturbation is not deeply injurious to our lives is a big liar. Why? In those days, any time I masturbated, I felt mentally, emotionally, physically, and yes, even spiritually DRAINED. For instance, if I was working on any thinking-intensive project and I masturbated, the ideas would simply fizzle away to God-knows-where and I'd be wondering where they went. From this, I realized that the act sapped me mentally, reducing my creativity. In other words, it worked against my potential for success, right at the root levels. So, I don't understand it when some conventional views want to create euphemisms to justify the act. Well, maybe my experience here is unique. So, now, I want us to settle this publicly like this👇 Healthline's Rachael Almera quotes a study carried out among older adults which estimated that " between 27 to 40 percent of women and 41 to...

How To Handle Your Haters: A Lesson From Bill Gates And His Daughter (2)

Bill and Phoebe Gates. Image credit: Business Insider Do you know what? I learned that, growing up, Bill Gates was too small for his age and was often bullied at school and on the streets. As a result, he had very few friends - no more than two per time. As related in the archives , young Bill was a recluse who spent hours cocooned in his room. Once, during such a social withdrawal, his mom asked after him over the intercom, and Bill shouted back, “ I'm thinking… Have you ever tried thinking? ” The fact is: Young Bill Gates didn't have many friends. Unknown to him, many of his peers snubbed him because a rumor spread around town that “ Bill is the weirdest guy that God ever made ”. As acknowledged by Washington Post's Mark Leibovich, the real issue was that the boy Bill Gates III was an infant prodigy. As a result, he just couldn't get along with most of his peers and vice versa. But, it hardly became an issue to him because his attention was essentially somewhere else....

Should Romantic Couples Hide Their Passwords From Each Other, And Why?

Image credit: Imagine Art   Please, we are conducting an important social research to help romantic couples understand one another more deeply while leaving the world more digitally secure. So, we humbly invite every adult in sight on the web to contribute an answer to this question. The more opinions we can gather on the question, the better our research would fare. So, kindly contribute and share. INSTRUCTION: Read the following short passage attentively and respond to it thoughtfully... As a part of this project, we spoke with an upcoming sculptor named Lawrence Asimonye... The question is: “ Should couples hide their passwords from each other and why?” These are two questions in one. First, should couples hide their passwords from each other? Second, whatever your answer is, what's the reason for that answer? We need to discuss this massively. But, to achieve unity in the discussion, we need to have a few centres where the contributory opinions are gathered, compare...