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Bill and Phoebe Gates. Image credit: Business Insider |
Do you know what? I learned that, growing up, Bill Gates was too small for his age and was often bullied at school and on the streets. As a result, he had very few friends - no more than two per time.
As related in the archives, young Bill was a recluse who spent hours cocooned in his room. Once, during such a social withdrawal, his mom asked after him over the intercom, and Bill shouted back, “I'm thinking… Have you ever tried thinking?”
The fact is: Young Bill Gates didn't have many friends. Unknown to him, many of his peers snubbed him because a rumor spread around town that “Bill is the weirdest guy that God ever made”.
As acknowledged by Washington Post's Mark Leibovich, the real issue was that the boy Bill Gates III was an infant prodigy. As a result, he just couldn't get along with most of his peers and vice versa. But, it hardly became an issue to him because his attention was essentially somewhere else.
Otherwise, if such social 'stigma' had become an issue to Bill, nothing would have saved him from getting stuck in bitterness. Thus, he would have been distracted from all that he went on to achieve. Instead, it gave him all the focus he needed to actualize his big dreams.
You know, you can't have a generation-changing dream and still fully agree with the generation you belong to. That's like what happened to young Bill Gates.
And now, it may seem that like beget like and so, a similar pattern is showing up in the life of Bill Gates’ last daughter Phoebe as I shared in the first volume of this article in August.
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What Can We All Learn From These Experiences Of Bill Gates And His Daughter?
This is what: As I said in the first volume, the best way to handle your haters is to ignore them COMPLETELY. And the only way (as well as an easy way) to TRULY and FULLY ignore your haters is to give your FULL attention to the pursuit of a big dream. Otherwise, you cannot but harbor some bitterness that is certain to ruin your life surreptitiously.
Giving your full attention to the pursuit of a big dream implies that the dream must be big enough to exhaust your attention. The bigger the dream, the better. For it to be big enough, ensure that the dream is more important than you yourself. In other words, the impact of the dream must extend far beyond your life, and be ready to outlast you.
Young Bill Gates was one person who had such a big dream as we all may know. As evident in the above story, the dream was so engrossing that Bill would spend long hours “thinking” about it in privacy even in his childhood days.
By my finding, having such an immersive dream played a major part in why younger Bill Gates never noticed being so much snubbed by his peers. And, by my evaluation too, that's the biggest secret by which the future billionaire overcame his haters.
On the contrary, it seems his daughter Phoebe doesn't have such a big dream as her Dad back in the days. As a result, she's able to notice her haters so much that those haters end up having power over her thinking, and therefore ruining her joy and fulfillment - even amid so much affluence around her!
Think about that 🤔...
What dream do you want to actualize? When do you want to actualize it? Set your goal and your timing and hit the ground running without delay NOW. Even if you don't have any other motivation for doing so, let it be to stay mentally - and therefore genuinely - above your haters.
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And yes, It's Actually NOW or NEVER…
See how...
Once in a while, opportunities for greatness pop up in our lifetimes. But many of them are wasted on the altar of BTBFN (BEING TOO BUSY FOR NOTHING).
The social media era is the BTBFN era. So many things call everyone's attention. So, if you don't find ONE THING to give your paramount attention, you can easily lose your focus - and therefore your life - to the BTBFN culture.
Therefore, Find Your Brand Now And Begin To Give It Your Best Shot Right Away. It's That Serious.
Yes, viewed more concretely, that's the easiest way I know to not let your haters get access into your operating system, namely, your mind. Oh, and YOU are your biggest brand! Your passions, your unique skill set, the particular composition of your world, are some of the aspects of this big brand that you are.
Discovering your unique brand could be one of the most difficult things to do - ever! However, I found an easy way to do it: Start with your deepest passion.
What is that thing you enjoy doing the most that can benefit someone else? As the answer occurs to you, write it down.
Or, better still, just make a list of the things you enjoy doing. Then, go through the items, trying to decide the one that tops the rest in importance.
You could use an elimination approach to prune the list down to say 2 or 3 items, or 4 at most. Then, think it through and decide on one of the items.
If you need further assistance towards actualizing any of your passionate dreams, reach out to me via email: doctordes101@gmail.com. Thank you.
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