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Could This Be The Most Memorable Gift For Mom Or Dad This Christmas?

 If you were a regular reader of this magazine by early July, you may remember our publication entitled 'A Catholic Priest Artist In Our Midst'. It was focused on Rev. Fr. Vitus Nnadi, a Catholic priest who doubles as a sculptor.

We're sorry to say there's something very important that we missed in that report: Father Nnadi's art studio does not only create crucifixes and statues of the madonna. Instead, the team, from time to time, equally creates stunningly realistic images of everyday people - like your Mom and/or Dad or wife or husband or just anyone you cherish

It is one of the biggest honor you can do to anyone living or dead.

Based on some interviews we conducted, some of Fr. Nnadi's team's most popular work includes a realistic image of a former commissioner in Anambra State, as well as the image of a famous philanthropist.

However, while we couldn't access the sites of those reported works at publication time, below is a photo journal of a current work of this nature being executed by the studio. It makes us realize what a memorable Christmas 🎄 🎁 gift to anyone's Dad or Mom (or whoever else) this could be!

So, just before the photo journal kicks off, if you want to access the art studio, you can visit the Diocesan Pilgrimage Centre of Our Lady Of Perpetual Help in Utuh, Nnewi South LGA of Anambra State or call/Whatsapp 0705-3311-253.

Photo Journal Starts...

Looking at the time stamps on this first set of photos👇, you can see that they have the date October 23, 2024. That was the day we started following the progress of this work. And, it has been really revealing of the painstaking work that go into it and how work can make "something come out of nothing".

As you will get to see, it is the bust 👤 of an elderly woman who must be someone's cherished mom or grandma.

We took the next set of photos the following day (October 24, 2024). Not much progress had been made. But we learned that all Fr. Nnadi's team needs to create a fully 3D brick-and-mortar figure of anyone is a photo of the person on their phone. Hmmm!

The next set of photos were taken some two more days later (October 26). The face of the figure is getting clearer and the entire work smoother.

The next set of photos have been taken today, November 1, 2024. As you can see, it's getting to be a true resemblance of the woman in that digital photo up there👆. Or, what do you think? You can comment your thoughts below...

Today is November 7, 2024. We are happy to announce that this work is getting "fearfully and wonderfully" realistic.

Hurray!!! This work is at the finishing stage, and so beautiful!

More to come. We will continue to follow the progress of this work. Thank you.

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