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How To Earn Big Via Onions Cultivation In Nigeria

Every year, around November and December, onions become extremely costly in Nigeria, especially down South. This is an opportunity waiting to be exploited for huge gains while helping millions of families.

However, if you are interested in this, we recommend that you take time to get quality knowledge about it before you set out. So start here👇👇👇

In Nigeria, onions are typically propagated during the dry season, which usually occurs from November to March. Here's how onion propagation can be adapted to the Nigerian environment:

Propagation Methods

1. Seed Propagation

Onion seeds can be sown in nursery beds during the dry season (November to January). The seedlings are then transplanted to the field when they are about 6-8 weeks old. 

This method is most convenient if you are a beginner onion farmer because the seeds are easiest to transport from purchase point to farm. However, note that onion seeds are reported to be highly poisonous - which is why you don't see it alongside the bulbs. They are carefully cut off at the farm.

2. Sets or Sett Propagation

Onion sets are small onion bulbs planted instead of the seeds. They can be planted directly in the field during the dry season (December to February). So far, this method is more common in Nigeria, as it produces mature onions more quickly.

3. Division or Topset Propagation

Some onion varieties, like the 'Egyptian Walking Onion', produce small bulbs or "topsets" on top of the main plant in place of flower. These topsets can be removed and replanted during the dry season to produce new onion plants.

Best Planting Times

In Nigeria, the best times to plant onions are:

  • In the northern states (e.g., Kano, Kaduna, Sokoto): December to January
  • In the southern states (e.g., Lagos, Ibadan, Port Harcourt): January to February

Note, if you want a non-seasonal option for earning regularly, we recommend you learn an in-demand digital skill instead. Go here to know the highest earning but easiest to learn digital skills, choose the one you like and learn how to go about them.

Additional Tips For Growing Onions Successfully

  • Choose a well-draining soil with a pH between 6.0 and 7.0.
  • Plant onions in full sun and water them regularly.
  • Use appropriate fertilizers and pest management practices to ensure a healthy crop.

By following these guidelines, you should be able to successfully cultivate onions in Nigeria. For any further information, email Thanks.


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