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Showing posts from January, 2025

Finding My Life's Purpose: A Meditation

A Facebook creator named Ifeanyi Christopher recently shared a set of tips to help people stop struggling in life. One of these tips says: Define your purpose Without purpose, you’ll drift aimlessly. What kind of man do you want to be? Write down your goals and chase them relentlessly. Purpose gives your life meaning and direction. Another of the tips said: Prioritize your mental health Your mind is your greatest weapon. Meditate daily  — even 5 minutes helps. Talk to someone if you're overwhelmed. A strong mind builds a strong life. By implication, Ifeanyi Christopher means that the practice of meditating daily helps your mental health. No wonder a thoughtful user named Davis Michael wanted to know how to meditate and also expressed the need to learn more about purpose and mindset.  Seeing that this user was obviously serious about putting the nuggets to use, and knowing that there might be more people who have these needs, I took the challenge to address those topics he men...

How To Love Yourself So Much That You Will Effortlessly Destroy The Effects Of Your Past Mistakes

NOTE : This image is the product of Meta AI. It is used for illustration only. There is a guy doing great things in terms of sharing unique and valuable content on social media. He goes by the name ‘Ifeanyi Christopher’ on Facebook. Something happened between me and Ifeanyi in the course of a week now. Let me tell the story from the back so that you can understand why it makes so much sense to me… Today, I saw one of his numerous posts entitled “ Discipline Is Easy! You Just Don't Know These Secrets ”. The thread makes a lot of sense just like Ifeanyi's other posts…always. But, I grabbed one of the nuggets especially hard. The nugget in question says as follows… Circle Back. Regularly review your progress and adjust as needed. Discipline is about being adaptable, not rigid. You can't improve on what you don't track I grabbed this point much more firmly because it has a profound way of addressing an extremely serious issue I have encou...

Give Them Something to Eat: The Well-unknown Secret Of Deep Joy

NOTE: See this as reading a digital pamphlet that is as free as air because it reveals a secret as great as air too. It exposes one of the deepest secrets of a happy life unknown to billions of people.  So, to really reap the promised fruit, give this some of your time and attention. Ready? Let's go! Give Them Something To Eat In a world where hunger and malnutrition affect billions (including kids), the words of Jesus Christ, " Give them something to eat " (Mark 6:37), resonate deeply. This simple yet profound statement underscores the importance of addressing the basic needs of others, particularly the most vulnerable. The best part is that, going by our directions here, you can help to feed millions without spending as little as a farthen. The commitment could go as low as just 5 minutes of your time to help in providing accurate data on food insecurity to the relevant organisations . But even this will sound like too big a sacrifice until you understand a strong reaso...

The UN Is Extremely Wrong In Its 2025 Food Insecurity Projection For Nigeria: See Crucial Reasons And How To Help In Correcting The Information

161.4 Million out of 223.8 Million Nigerians are currently listed under the “ people facing hunger ” category of the global humanitarian organisation Action Against Hunger. Going by this report, 72.1% of the entire population of Nigeria is deemed food insecure as you read this. Already, this by far exceeds the 33 million Nigerians projected to be “food insecure” in 2025 by a joint statement of 3 relevant UN agencies (ie. FAO, UNICEF, and WFP) in November last year. Imagine the difference! By my evaluation, the huge difference between the two projections lies in the quality of data collection. My direct experiences in Nigeria indicate that the Action Against Hunger report represents the situation far more accurately. On December 8, 2024, I called on the Nigerian government at all levels to declare a state of emergency on food security and establish soup kitchens across the country. That was after I identified that far more Nigerians were dying of hunger and hunger-related ...

Why And How To Stop Borrowing: Strong Reasons With Effective Simple Steps

Many modern people now bluff at the Bible. But, I keep seeing biblical principles as the missing link in many lives. For instance, one of the major factors I see ruining the financial lives of millions of people is the culture of spending on borrowing. If only such people had hearkened to the provisions of Deuteronomy 28:12: The Lord will open the heavens, the floodgates of heaven, and pour out so much blessing upon you that there will not be room enough to receive it. You will lend to many nations, but you will not borrow .  (NKJV) Insist That  "You Will Not Borrow" This Year, Or Get Ready To Live In Sorrow Insist that "you will not borrow" Or, get ready to live in sorrow And forever feel hollow From tomorrow to tomorrow That's a little poem👆 I wrote✍️. But, it's not just a poem. Rather, it's a fact. Borrowing has killed many people. Yet, no one talks about it.  So, How Can You Stop Borrowing Then? One strong fact is: Everyone has got so many bills to ...

The Easiest Way To Go To Hell As A Man - W. F. Heaven

Above and below are how ImagineArt responded to the prompt: "A man in hell for love" Which of the two photos above is the better response to the prompt? Kindly share your view at the comment section because it will help one of our research projects in the field of generative AI. That's by the way. Now, this is why we are here...👇 People are talking of another hell in another world apart. But, I can tell you that there are people who already live in real hell on earth. I have come across many of them. One of these people who are in hell on earth are men married to super-beautiful women who didn't fall for them first. Such men are always on a challenge to meet up with extraordinary expectations. So, I warn every bachelor: No matter how you love a girl, don't fall for her first. Instead, get her to fall for you first, at least before she is sure that you love her. This is one of the biggest secrets lacking in the lives of many men today. But...

A Young Man Was Pushed Out Of A Moving Vehicle In Enugu: Help To Find His Family

According to a Facebook user named Anna Basil, this young man was pushed out from a moving vehicle at MENIRU JUNCTION AGBANI ROAD ENUGU this morning (4th January).  Some concerned citizens took him to Good Shepherd Hospital Enugu. Going by his ID displayed with the notice, his name is Okeke Ikechukwu and he works with the Transport Unit of the Enugu State Government House. Please kindly share to help reach his family. According to the poster, if you want to connect with the victim, call Nurse Iyke Call on this number: 08100005331. Locate a share button below 👇. Thank you.

From Passion to Profit: Why You Must Learn to Love the Hustle

The age-old adage " follow your passion " has been ingrained in most of our minds. But what happens when that passion doesn't pay the bills? The harsh reality is that if your passion isn't earning you a steady income, it's useless to you. Therefore, it's time to reassess your mindset and attitude about following your passion. From Passion To Profit: Reassessing Your Mindset And Attitude In today's fast-paced, competitive world, it's crucial to develop a passion for something that generates wealth quickly and efficiently. This often requires you to step out of your comfort zone and explore new avenues that may not necessarily align with your current interests. To do this, it's essential to recognize that success rarely comes from doing only what you love. Instead, to achieve greatness, you must be willing to learn and master tasks that you may not enjoy. This means overcoming laziness and developing a strong work ethic. Overcoming Lazin...

The Poverty of Pennies: How Refusing to Pay for Value Holds Many People Back

In a world where value is often measured by the price tag attached to it, I have observed a peculiar attitude prevalent among many individuals. It's an attitude that masquerades as frugality but, in reality, is a form of laziness that perpetuates poverty.  This attitude in question is people's unwillingness to pay for values that benefit them. It's what I choose to call "the poverty of pennies" in this article, not knowing what else to call it. How The Poverty Of Pennies Works Against Millions Of People: Find Out If You're One Of Them We've all encountered individuals who will go to great lengths to avoid paying for something that could potentially improve their lives. They'll spend hours scouring the internet for free alternatives, or worse, pirated versions of software, e-books, or courses. They'll attend countless free webinars, seminars, and workshops, yet never invest in a single paid resource that could genuinely help them achieve...