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How To Love Yourself So Much That You Will Effortlessly Destroy The Effects Of Your Past Mistakes

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There is a guy doing great things in terms of sharing unique and valuable content on social media. He goes by the name ‘Ifeanyi Christopher’ on Facebook.

Something happened between me and Ifeanyi in the course of a week now. Let me tell the story from the back so that you can understand why it makes so much sense to me…

Today, I saw one of his numerous posts entitled “Discipline Is Easy! You Just Don't Know These Secrets”. The thread makes a lot of sense just like Ifeanyi's other posts…always.

But, I grabbed one of the nuggets especially hard. The nugget in question says as follows…

Circle Back. Regularly review your progress and adjust as needed. Discipline is about being adaptable, not rigid. You can't improve on what you don't track

I grabbed this point much more firmly because it has a profound way of addressing an extremely serious issue I have encountered in the lives of many people, especially in my social work field. That issue is: A huge damage that the consciousness of past mistakes is doing in many people’s lives.

My findings so far indicate that this is the singular factor behind over 85% of life failures. Meanwhile, my story continues…

After I logged out from that post of Ifeanyi Christopher's, it just happened that I found myself clicking through to my notifications page where I found that someone recently liked a comment where I had said something like “bad results, keep working but change…”

I was perplexed at the comment as it was incompletely displayed on the notification pane. While the comment sounded good to me, I couldn't remember ever engaging in such a conversation.

When did I make such a comment?”; “What was it about?,”  I questioned under my breath🤔🤔🤔

So, I clicked through to see the full comment, and found that I was already in a similarly themed open conversation with Ifeanyi Christopher about a week ago. We were already talking about being flexible and open to improvement while we pursue our goals in life as you can see here...

For me, this was more than just a coincidence. Based on how I receive my inspirations, I knew there was a great message hiding in this ‘coincidence’.

Then, the light came! It's an inspired view on destroying the hugely destructive mental burdens of past mistakes in our lives. I am to discuss this point with members of the public over a few days

And, I Am Already Doing This Of Course

So, I invite you to listen again to that line shared by Ifeanyi Christopher…

Regularly review your progress and adjust as needed. Discipline is about being adaptable, not rigid. You can't improve on what you don't track”.

Then, listen to the comment I made a week ago that happens to pre-agree with it…

In case this hasn't made a comprehensive sense to you, this is what I was saying in line with what the young sage Ifeanyi shared👇👇👇

If you get bad results in any endeavor you're pursuing, don't give up. Instead, keep working but change your style. Consistency and flexibility are key to success.

Our big lesson today is drawn from these two points…

Let's start this reflection from the last line from the quote Ifeanyi shared today which ignited all this…

You Can't Improve On What You Don't Track

Think about that for a while🤔 Tracking results is a key way to identify trends and problems in a system. This leads to the kind of clear insights needed to provide valid solutions to the problems. Thus, it is an effective option for improving any system or situation…or life.

It is one of the major practices that made science become so powerful that it has dominated every other sector of our lives. Now, it is influencing every field from military operations to digital marketing to gambling to soccer and more.

The truth is: The practice of tracking results is based on the understanding that, “I AM NOT YET PERFECT AND I WAS NEVER MEANT TO BE; YET, I CAN AND SHOULD BE MUCH BETTER THAN I AM RIGHT NOW”.

This is the only understanding that would get you to “circle back” and check to know how well and how badly you have performed so far. And, it is also the thinking that makes it easy for you to adjust, correct your mistakes without any agony, and come out with better results.

As you keep doing this, you keep getting even better. And, this is the historical pattern behind every great achievement especially since the Enlightenment Era. 

Don't worry much if this hasn't made enough sense to you. That's because there will be an occasion to clarify it further.

What About The Mindset That Makes Past Mistakes So Destructive In The Lives Of Many?

I realize that the mindset that makes past mistakes such a huge destructive mental burden in many people’s lives says something like the opposite of the above.


See why this is a serious issue👇👇👇

Thinking Is Talking Silently To Yourself - And You Cannot But Obey Your Own Words

In his book "Theaetetus", the ancient philosopher Plato said something that is still as relevant as it was many centuries ago when he wrote it.

"...the soul when thinking appears to be simply talking to itself…," he wrote.

This quote highlights Plato's idea that thinking is a form of internal dialogue, where the mind engages in a conversation with itself to process thoughts and ideas.

Nothing could be truer than this. It is why I insist that every problem we have, must be solved from their mental roots, if we must make any headway in solving it.

Throwing Off The Mental Burdens From Your Past Mistakes

Therefore, if you are someone who is weighed down by past mistakes, start taking off this deadly burden by changing your mindset like this…

Step One

Read the following lines written in all-caps…


Try to change any belief you have that's in line with those capitalised words all because these words are saying something that is clearly untrue.

On the contrary, everyone seems to know that “nobody is perfect”. It is the fact and the truth - though bitter truth to many - about us and our existence on the ‘Planearth’. Bitter though it may be, obviously true it is all the same - as we all can see.

So, disown any thought you have or may have that is in line with those capitalized words above👆all because they are a big fat lie.

Step Two

Read this second set of words in all-caps… 


As you should know, here is the truth. So, start switching your thinking from the first set of all-caps to the second set. There is a reason why it's called "mindset": You give your mind a particular "setting" just like any smart gadget.

You execute this "setting" by means of a "set" of words. To reset a mindset therefore, you use a different set of words.

So, carry out the instructions on the two sets of words in all-caps above. As you are doing this, you're resetting a mindset of yours. For now, keep doing this as much as you can until our next session in this discussion. We will shed much more light on it.

As I already said, I am going to discuss this further over a few days here in this magazine. So, if you'd like to get updates when I publish a new session, you can join our family channel here on Whatsapp. In the meantime, if you need me to clarify any gray area in the above reflection, express yourself at the comment section. Thank you🙏🙏🙏

Please, if you care about saving many lives and destinies without losing anything in the process, consider sharing this on social media. Locate a 'SHARE' link below 👇.🙏


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