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Dear Women! Try These Natural Beauty Tips For Free And Report Back

We want to know how effective the beauty tips are. And we want to do so with absolute transparency in an open forum.

Someone shared them on social media as beauty tips they were made to observe as female flight attendants.

Because of some branded items involved, many commenters suspected that it is a marketing gimmick as you can see in this screenshot...

So, in case it is a gimmick as suspeced, we are not going to share the tooth paste and soap brands included in the tips to avoid falling for a possible scheme or getting the members of our audience to fall.

But, we can't be totally sure that it's a gimmick entirely or at all. Hence, this open inquiry. So, as a girl or a woman, kindly participate in the experience fully to help yourself and your fellow women to discover and apply genuine natural beauty tips or to expose fake ones.

Here are the tips

So, women who have a poorly endowed front can try drinking fenugreek tea for two months and see how true the claim is. Please, report to us by emailing

Although this is more difficult to observe, you can still try it if you have issues with vaginal odor. Your name or your email or any of your details will not be mentioned when you report your observations to us in the entire experiment.

Using rosemary oil for maintaining hair health has been reported by many sources. But now, we want to learn the fact from actual users.

More comments 

Apart from reporting your observations confidential 


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